Energies and Emotions
I have been thinking a TON about how emotions are created from subtle energies experienced in our
environments, affected by our inner states, and transmitted through other humans.
Which has combined into lots of thoughts about a process of feeling and expressing that involves
becoming an antenna, performing inner alchemy, and expressing love. So this week I am going to try
and talk through this process in a coherent way!
This week you will get:
1. What is an antenna? And how do I function as one? 📡
2. Understanding emotions as energies.
3. Performing inner Alchemy and expressing love.
Antenna Effect and Tuning in our Frequency
Let's start with the very basics. What is an antenna?
In the simplest possible terms, an antenna is an instrument that transmits and receives electromagnetic
waves, usually radio wave signals.
The purpose of transmitting and receiving radio waves is to communicate or broadcast information at
the speed of light.
So, there are two functions - to send a frequency out or to receive a frequency coming in.
Now, I want to suggest to you that we, as human beings, function in a remarkably similar way to
We are subtly attuned to electromagnetic waves, emotional energies, archetypal forces, celestial
happenings, and terrestrial turnings.
Whether conscious of this or not, we are influenced by these things ALL OF THE TIME.
And the opportunity is to tune in our instrument (the mind & body) so we are conscious of what we
receive and conscious of what we transmit.
Emotion as Energy
A big part of becoming an antenna is relating to emotions as energy, which, like electro magnetic
waves, are transmitted through the airways.
These energies are subtle, come from both inside and outside of you and very much affect your daily
Viewing emotions this way requires a certain level of detachment from the personal nature of the
Meaning you don't identify AS the emotion. You simply notice it and pay attention to the sensations the
emotion elicits in your body.
In Buddhist philosophy, this is called becoming the observer.
The observer simply notices it's happening, receives the transmission, and decides what to broadcast
after the reception.
For Example
Let's walk through an example that happened a while back and taught me a TON about this process.
I was in traffic when a guy behind me drove to my bumper and nudged my car. I thought it was a
mistake, so I moved my car forward a couple of feet, and the guy proceeded to move forward again and
bump my car.
I have no idea what I had done to upset this man, but he was pissed.
My body started reacting as it became more apparent that he was mad at me and essentially trying to
pick a fight.
I first felt a flood of adrenaline wash through my chest, stomach, and limbs that were responding to the
I watched that sensation and felt it settle in my hands and feet which began to tingle intensely.
I then noticed this feeling of anger in my chest and jaw.
The Anger was INTENSE. But I made the decision right there to observe it and to not let it overtake me.
So I got away from this guy and drove home, observing the sensations in my body. They kept changing
from anger to self-judgment, anger, fear, and finally to peace.
All in all, the process took about 15 minutes, and I found that I could track it quite clearly with intention
and attention.
So, going back to the example of the antenna. This man came up to me and transmitted all of this
energy through his actions and my internal process.
I received that energy and decided not to relay any message forward until I sat with the transmission.
Sitting with the transmission required me to observe my experience, and ultimately, I did not relay that
message forward at the moment. I took it home and told my wife and friends about it.
It would have been very easy for me to receive anger and frustration and then transmit anger and
frustration forward. But I did not. And this is not because I am a saint or more advanced, honestly,
mostly I didn't do that because I was scared.
Performing Alchemy
Here is the crux of the whole receiving and transmitting thing.
You can choose how to take in messages and energies and what you relay forward.
In many ways, this is akin to the process of alchemy.
Alchemy is not the literal transformation of lead into gold.
It is a metaphor and symbolic expression of our internal capacity as energetic, spiritual, conscious
beings to take in negative information, experiences, and emotions and transform them from lead into
We perform these transmutations all the time, which is why we often look back on the difficult times in
our lives with admiration and gratitude. Because we effectively transmuted that lesson into gold.
So, let's put it all together.
You are an antenna. You receive subtle energies all of the time. Some of them are directed at you, and
others are not. Regardless, you are picking them up.
With practice and attention, you can become adept at noticing what is coming in, being the observer,
and then deciding what to put out.
Through alchemy, you can synthesize negative information, experiences, and sensations, synthesize
them, and then determine what you relay forward as the next transmission.
So, what is the ultimate transmutation? What would be a 100% alchemically processed relay forward
look like?
It's actually pretty simple. The cleanest transmission forward is love.
So, the opportunity is to ask, what transmissions am I taking in? What do I do with them when they are
in my body? Do I consciously alchemize them? Or do I pass them forward quickly? Have I transmuted
them into love? Or are they left unchanged, and I am transmitting negativity forward?
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